Monday, May 12, 2014

Caged Heat - Template-0008 and 2 Snags

Artwork : ©Keith Garvey  -
Available for Purchase at :

So I started to play around with some stuff. I found this great frame thing in a font pack. I thought it would be really cool to use. But once I got it on canvas and sized up... It was distorted and hard to work with. So I made my own from scratch and changed it up. At least it inspired me and from scratch is more fun anyway. :)

Below is how the template will look. There are 6 workable layers. I included some paper backgrounds. The great thing (I think) about this template is that you can just colorize the pieces to match the theme you are going for.  To make it easier on you.... all you have to do in PSP is :


Then play around with the sliders, or just use the dice.  The possibilities are endless!

Available in PSP and PSD formats. Hope you enjoy. 

I also whipped up some Snaggables for you to grab. I only made 2 because I was getting frustrated. Plus they are kind of huge. LOL

05/12/2014 - Good Morning photo GOOD-MORNING_KG_Caged-Heat_J4DD_zpsa6ed9ded.png 05/12/2014 - Checking In photo CHECKING-IN_KG_Caged-Heat_J4DD_zps1a1fe1a7.png

Have fun!
Jaided Dreamah

I have to show off this amazing creation made for me by Yvonne "Mama" (YGB). She is my favorite tagger.... :) Thank You Mama!!

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