Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

Well today is Mother's Day. A day when Mother's should be celebrated and shown appreciation for all they do for their children. They should be pampered to the highest degree. I think kids tend to take their Mom's for granted... that is until they are out on their own raising their own kids. Then suddenly it dawns on them what it's like to be a Mother... and the appreciation flows... At least it should.

I lost my Mother in 2002 to Cancer. She was an amazing woman, who was my true soul mate. Yeah, I know most people use that term to describe a romantic interest in their lives... but my Mom truly was indeed deserving of that label.  I was one million percent myself around her. She loved me unconditionally. She was the only one who knew how to talk me down from a panic attack, or comfort me when things would get bad.

I could easily make her sound like a Saint... she wasn't. Unless you are canonized... you are not a Saint. She had her flaws... and she didn't always do things right. But the truth is... the good days, the laughs, the connection make me forget most of the flaws.

I was witness to her strength on many occasions.  She never saw herself as being "Strong" but she really was. She got her drivers license in her mid 50's.... :) That is minor compared to some of the other things she overcame and did in her lifetime.

I loved my Mother more than I could even put into words. I miss her greatly. I can't even tell you how many times I wish I could just pick up the phone and call her.

Happy Mother's Day Ma!!!!

Always in my Heart... and Always Thankful that you were my Mom!


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