Monday, April 14, 2014

Template-0003 - Enveloped + Extras

Artwork ©VeryMany available for purchase at :

This was going to be a frame….  I guess it still is,  but I made it into a Template instead of designing it up as a frame.  The reason why I went that way is because I thought it would be better to give you the chance to colorize and change things to fit your style and your tag.  Like I always say…  I like giving people options.  

Remember, an easy way to alter the colors is : ADJUSTHUE AND SATURATIONCOLORIZE.

I know a lot of you know that already… but in case anyone new to PSP comes along and finds this post they will know this tip.

Again… Since I was making a sample tag to show off the template, I decided to whip up a few extras for you to snag.  They are in png format so just click on the image and save it that way.

Sayings :  Good Morning – Happy Easter – Hello – Thank You – Thinking of You

04/14/2014 - Thank You photo thank-you_vmt_bunny-love_J4DD_zps497501ed.png 04/14/2014 - Good Morning photo good-morning_vmt_bunny-love_J4DD_zpsf724e66a.png 04/14/2014 - Thinking of You photo thinking-of_vmt_bunny-love_J4DD_zps2f188db0.png 04/14/2014 - Hello photo hello_vmt_bunny-love_J4DD_zpscae56be9.png 04/14/2014 - Happy Easter photo happy-easter_vmt_bunny-love_J4DD_zpsbe9dee10.png

Jaided Dreamah

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