Sunday, April 13, 2014

Around the Way - Template-0002 and Extras.

Available for purchase at Creative Design Outlet.

I was trying to decide what I wanted to work on today. I ended up thinking a new template would be good. This template is just a mere 3 pieces. I know it doesn’t seem like much, but it gives you more chances to create around it. Sometimes templates overwhelm me with all the pieces they have. They are fantastic, don’t get me wrong, but I have A.D.D. and it just gets to me.

So this is a nice and simple one, but I think you will enjoy it. The two squares have perspective applied, so they are not just plain old squares. The wrap around arrow can be moved around and altered to your needs.

It’s really just meant to be a start point for you… then let your imagination go wild!

Since I wanted to make a tag to show off the Template, I added in some Extras for you to grab.

I love it! - Hello – Have a Great Day! – Goodnight – Good Luck and Congratulations.   Enjoy!
Each are in PNG Format so just click on them and save. Thank You!
04/13/2014 - I Love It! photo love-it_put_listen_J4DD_zps244595d1.png
04/13/2014 - Hello photo hello_put_listen_J4DD_zps2d6fc6c7.png
04/13/2014 - Have a Great Day! photo great-day_put_listen_J4DD_zps1d6d96d4.png
04/13/2014 - Goodnight photo goodnight_put_listen_J4DD_zps8195a397.png
04/13/2014 - Good Luck photo good-luck_put_listen_J4DD_zps961ad8ae.png
04/13/2014 - Congratulations! photo congrats_put_listen_J4DD_zps792eb8ac.png

Jaided Dreamah

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